Friday, August 23, 2024


artist: DEAD KENNEDYS (San Francisco, California, USA)
venue: Earth Tavern
location: Portland, Oregon, USA
date: 19 November 1979
length: 46 minutes

Anyone else listen to the flexi that came with 'Give Me Convenience Or Give Me Death' and marvel at "Night Of The Living Rednecks" wondering what it must be like to see this band in the flesh? To see Biafra riff on whatever and tell a wild story while Ray changed a guitar string? Well, this is the whole set, so if your adult ass self is anything like my adult ass self then get ready to remember what it was like to live in your own awkward ass seventeen year old skin. It's the little things...

1 comment:

  1. well, the video exists, it's right here this is the early set thought, late set was taped too
